How to Install Custom ROM on Lenovo S860

By Rachmadona Sebayang

Recently after i had corrupt nvram and then fix it, now i want to try another challenge, install custom ROM. One of classic reason why i do this is because i feel bored with my current stock ROM :p It’s been almost two years since i used youuu.. So, what would we need? first, we…

Memperbaiki ‘Signal Lost’ & Ganti IMEI Lenovo S860

By Rachmadona Sebayang

Beberapa hari belakangan setiap pagi kalau melihat hp gue, Lenovo S860 hang. Parahnya lagi hang pada saat boot dan stuk pada logo Lenovo aja. Tapi setelah Gue soft reset masih bisa boot ke menu utama sih. Awalnya Gue curiga karena ada pengaturan auto off & auto off sehingga bikin ini hp jadi stuck. Ternyata eh…