Cetak Dokumen Pada SAP Business One 9 Sangat Lambat

By Rachmadona Sebayang

Finally officially quit from my office. Tepat awal minggu ini Gue udah nggak jadi karyawan lagi. Ya, setelah lima tahun lebih jadi karyawan teladan akhirnya Gue memutuskan untuk berhenti dan memulai kerajaan bisnis di bidang IT Solution. Memang sih bukan usaha dari nol melainkan join dengan teman. Well, setidaknya Gue bisa mulai belajar bagaimana caranya…

1628: Failed to complete installation SAP Business One

By Rachmadona Sebayang

Yesterday I tried to install SAP Bussiness  one onto some computer’s office which using Windows 7 Professional but found this error 1628: Failed to complete installation. I’ve search on several webpages but no one can give solutions. Asking to uncle Google also doesn’t yield anything. So I decided to ask somebody who develop this application…